Posts in Faith and Reflection
Divine Harmony: Embracing the Music of the Spheres

Hear in your mind a beautiful, harmonious harp. That harmony, as Hildegard of Bingen pointed out, reminds us of God creating everything in all the universes to fit harmoniously with everything else.

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Uncovering Our Deepest Questions: Finding Answers in Christ

Whether we know it or not, each of us has an unconscious question lying just beneath the surface. It's that question we bring to our parents, friends, family, co-workers, teachers, bosses, and most people important to us.

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Lent and Easter Season, Sorrow and Joy

First Lent, then Easter. Jesus told us: You will be sorrowful, but your sorrow will turn into joy (Jn.16:20). We sorrow at the awful grief that humanity inflicts on itself: genocide in Ukraine, millions of abortions, and little children living hungry and lonely.

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