Embracing the Art of Being: A Retreat Reflection

Embracing the Art of Being: A Retreat Reflection

One of the greatest challenges for many individuals is the ability to simply be—to exist in a state of stillness without the compulsion to constantly engage in activity. Our society often glorifies busyness, equating productivity with worth. Yet, there is immense value in embracing moments of quietude and allowing ourselves to just be.

Like diligent worker ants, we are conditioned to always be in motion, perpetually engaged in tasks and responsibilities. The mere thought of doing nothing can evoke feelings of guilt, as if we are squandering precious time. However, it is in these moments of stillness that we can truly connect with ourselves and with the divine.

During a retreat at Montserrat, it is not uncommon for participants to initially spend their time in restful slumber, allowing their bodies to unwind from the relentless pace of everyday life. Yet, as the body becomes rejuvenated, a profound transformation occurs—the opportunity to be fully present in the presence of the Lord arises.

As we navigate through the challenges of the ongoing pandemic, we extend an invitation to you: embrace the art of being with the Lord. Allow yourself the gift of quiet contemplation and inner reflection. You may be pleasantly surprised by the depth of peace and insight that emerges.

Fr. Ron Gonzales, S.J.

P.S. Please help us say goodbye to Fr. Ron Gonzales, SJ as he moves from Montserrat Retreat House to be a Pastor Parroquia San Ignacio in Puerto Rico.