Reflecting on the Depth of God's Riches, Wisdom, and Knowledge

Reflecting on the Depth of God's Riches, Wisdom, and Knowledge

"Oh, the depth of the riches and wisdom and knowledge of God!..." (Rom 11:33)

Who is God to you? This question often arises during retreats and in spiritual direction sessions. In many ways, God transcends our understanding, and any answer we give may seem inadequate. While I frequently invoke God as protector and healer in my prayers, those words alone cannot fully capture the depth of who God is to me.

Faith teaches us that for believers, God is not merely distant but also intimately close—within our reach and even within us. It is the profound richness of God's wisdom, though only partially revealed to us now, that allows us to confidently profess our faith in God's identity, even as our understanding falls short.

Take a moment to ponder the first two declarations about God in the Creed: God is one and Father. Before acknowledging God's transcendence, we affirm God's unity and familial relationship with us. Daily prayer with this emphasis on God as unity and family can profoundly shape our self-perception as Christians seeking to emulate God in every possible way. Such a reminder holds immense value, especially in a world marked by division and brokenness within families. It all begins with the person right in front of us.

Our lived faith must continually strive to foster unity within the human family—the very family to which we all, including God, belong.

Fr. Roy Joseph, S.J.