Meet Our Newest Team Member: A Journey in Ignatian Spirituality

Meet Our Newest Team Member: A Journey in Ignatian Spirituality

Hi! I’m excited to introduce myself as the newest member of the Montserrat Retreat House team. My journey began in Ciudad Juárez, right on the border with El Paso, Texas. My formation has been deeply rooted in Ignatian Spirituality, with a master’s degree in Divinity as part of my Jesuit training. Additionally, I have earned a Master of Theology with a focus on Spiritual Direction and a Master’s in Ignatian Spirituality.

However, my journey is not about accumulating degrees. It's about witnessing the powerful ways in which God guides individuals towards freedom and a deeper relationship with Himself. I feel honored to join this remarkable team and am keenly aware that I am building upon the legacy of those who have contributed to the rich tradition of the Montserrat Retreat Center.

In the upcoming blog posts, I will explore the profound topics of meaning and purpose in life, as outlined by St. Ignatius in the Spiritual Exercises, particularly focusing on the Principle and Foundation. This theme continually renews my spirit with each retreat I participate in, and I look forward to sharing these reflections with you.

Fr. Pepe Ruiz, SJ