Posts tagged Spiritual Reflection
Understanding the Three Lenten Practices: Prayer, Almsgiving, and Fasting

We explore how Lenten practices of prayer, almsgiving, and fasting help us becoming more loving in three aspects. Prayer helps refocus on God, almsgiving sensitizes to others' needs, and fasting helps heal our relationship with ourselves. Ultimately, these practices can transform our relationships.

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Embracing Dependence: A Reflection on Divine Delight

Just as Jennifer found happiness in her baby's dependence, so does God find joy in our unwavering trust in Him—for everything, every moment of the day and night. Embracing our dependence on God becomes a source of profound delight for both us and our Creator.

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Discover the Grace of the Angelus: A Daily Prayer of Promise

Mike French reflects on the power of daily prayer, specifically the Angelus, and how it guides them to consider the "promises of Christ." They delve into the promise in Luke 11:9, and how it is a "Blessed Assurance" but also the beginning of a conversation with Jesus, inviting them to humility and dependence on His love and providence. The post encourages readers to take time to reflect on the promises that the Lord is making to them, as it will lead to grace.

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The Profound Mystery of the Incarnation

God became a human in Jesus. God didn't just become a man, but he actually became flesh and blood, just like us. All the matter and energy in the universe is connected to God because he created it. So, in a way, we are all made of the same stuff as God. And when Jesus was here on earth, he went through all the same stuff we go through, like happiness and sadness, and he understands us because of it. God isn't just some distant being, but he's right here with us, and he knows us inside and out.

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Divine Harmony: Embracing the Music of the Spheres

Hear in your mind a beautiful, harmonious harp. That harmony, as Hildegard of Bingen pointed out, reminds us of God creating everything in all the universes to fit harmoniously with everything else.

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