Living Above the Circumstances

Living Above the Circumstances

How often have you been asked, "How are you doing?" If your experience is anything like mine, your response might start with, "Well, under the circumstances..." followed by your best self-appraisal. And that is fair enough.

But I once heard a preacher say, "Wouldn't it be great if, every once in a while, we said instead 'Well, ABOVE the circumstances...'" and filled in the blanks with our best God-appraisal instead.

This approach may require more honesty, humility, and prayerfulness to discern, but the search would surely uncover the loving fingerprints of a God who was there all the time, sculpting our circumstances with His loving designs. That is what God is always inviting us to "Come and see."

And that can make all the difference.

Fr. Mike French, SJ