Living a Life with Purpose

Living a Life with Purpose

Leading a life with purpose involves walking toward a clear objective. However, the final objective we strive for makes all the difference, as it shapes everything if it is to be a true purpose in life.

Stephen Covey, a revered business guru, once said: "Many businessmen come to realize at the end of their lives that no one cared how much time they spent at the office. They realize after climbing the ladder of success that the ladder was resting against the wrong wall."

St. Ignatius of Loyola suggests a worthy purpose in life that summarizes the experience of the Church for 1,500 years before him and has now been tested for 500 years by millions. He places it in the first paragraph of the Spiritual Exercises: “To Praise, Reverence, and Serve God.” This is a worthy purpose. Following it will order all our relationships and lead to true happiness. Walking with God as our ultimate goal will eventually lead us to what God desires for us: Fullness of Life. We might pass through the cross, but it will be worth it.