Posts in Compassion
The Healing Power of Forgiveness

Knowing that our Heavenly Father forgives our sins allows us to forgive. This spiritual dimension of forgiveness highlights its importance not just in our relationships with others, but in our relationship with God.

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Finding Comfort in Mourning: Insights from Fr. Joe Tetlow, S.J.

Discover how Jesus' words, "Blessed are those who mourn," take on a profound meaning beyond sorrow, offering solace in times of global turmoil and personal struggles. Join Father Joe Tetlow, SJ, as he explores the meaning behind these words, revealing a path from sadness to ultimate comfort that resonates deeply with the challenges of the present world.

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Embracing the Blessing of Poverty in Spirit: Insights from Fr. Joe Tetlow, S.J.

Discover the true essence of being blessed and happy in this insightful blog post by Fr. Joe Tetlow, S.J. Delve into the concept of being "poor in spirit" as Jesus taught, where gratitude transforms everything into a gift.

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Navigating Sorrow with Compassion: Lessons from St. Paul

In difficult times, we turn to our friends in the Lord to share our struggles. St. Paul, who also endured similar conversations, reminded the early Church to be kind, forgiving, and bear one another's burdens. As we support our friends in their mournful moments, we remember Jesus' words, "Happy are those who mourn."

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Stop Talking And Listen

Perhaps you've heard these words from your spouse or good friend. Truth be told, it seems that many people these days have very little practice in being quiet and still--think of movie theatres, liturgical services, wakes, and even silent retreats.

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Welcome Jesus

Advent preparation is finally over, and the Christmas feast now begins! Probably for most of us, there was a lot to do in the time we were given to prepare Him room—and there still is. Among other things we have already searched, shopped, mailed, cooked, cleaned, decorated, baked, and visited quite a bit already.

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Persevere in Prayer

In my encounters with the faithful, everyone seems to express a longing for a better relationship with God. Most of them have some kind of difficulty with prayer. Finding time to pray or making prayer time meaningful are common struggles.

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