Posts in Relationships
The Healing Power of Forgiveness

Knowing that our Heavenly Father forgives our sins allows us to forgive. This spiritual dimension of forgiveness highlights its importance not just in our relationships with others, but in our relationship with God.

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Navigating Conflict with Compassion: The Power of Reproach

A Place for Reproach: Strengthen bonds through compassionate reproach; there’s courage and kindness in speaking the truth when someone has let you down.

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Resolving Conflict: Jesus’ Guide to Addressing Sin in Relationships

Direct Communication, A witness/mediator, Community Engagement: If unresolved, involve the community or necessary entities for resolution.

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Embracing True Service: St. Ignatius of Loyola's Guide to Purposeful Living

True service isn't about replacing or feeling enslaved. It's discernment, not imposition. Finding the balance in serving without fostering dependence or feeling trapped is key. When we serve, we find fulfillment using our gifts for others, echoing Jesus' call to serve, not to be served.

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Embracing Reverence: St. Ignatius of Loyola's Path to Purposeful Living

Reverence towards God and Others: Welcome to a world where embracing the unknown leads to deeper connections and authentic understanding.

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Embracing Praise in Relationships: St. Ignatius' Guide to Thriving Connections

Have you ever pondered the genuine impact of sincere appreciation on building meaningful connections? Today, we embark on an insightful journey—a deep dive into the transformative influence of authentic appreciation and its role in nurturing relationships.

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Blessed Are the Meek: Embracing Strength in Humility

Unveiling Meek Strength: Discover the powerful paradox of meekness as Jesus exemplifies grace-filled hidden strength in unexpected ways. Explore the profound implications of imitating Christ's meekness, a virtue that holds its own against all odds. By Fr. Joe Tetlow, SJ

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Embracing Dependence: A Reflection on Divine Delight

Just as Jennifer found happiness in her baby's dependence, so does God find joy in our unwavering trust in Him—for everything, every moment of the day and night. Embracing our dependence on God becomes a source of profound delight for both us and our Creator.

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Speaking Love: Embracing the Consequential Word

From the cherished "I love you" to the challenges of making it holy and selfless, Fr. Joe Tetlow’s blog post reveals the sacred journey of expressing love to our parents, siblings, friends, and even our enemies; and then to the one who has express his love for us first. The creator God.

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The Profound Mystery of the Incarnation

God became a human in Jesus. God didn't just become a man, but he actually became flesh and blood, just like us. All the matter and energy in the universe is connected to God because he created it. So, in a way, we are all made of the same stuff as God. And when Jesus was here on earth, he went through all the same stuff we go through, like happiness and sadness, and he understands us because of it. God isn't just some distant being, but he's right here with us, and he knows us inside and out.

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