Posts tagged Prayer
Understanding the Three Lenten Practices: Prayer, Almsgiving, and Fasting

We explore how Lenten practices of prayer, almsgiving, and fasting help us becoming more loving in three aspects. Prayer helps refocus on God, almsgiving sensitizes to others' needs, and fasting helps heal our relationship with ourselves. Ultimately, these practices can transform our relationships.

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Exploring Lenten Practices: Prayer, Almsgiving, and Fasting in Relationships

The blog explores Lenten practices of prayer, almsgiving, and fasting in relation to becoming more loving in three aspects. Prayer helps refocus on God, almsgiving sensitizes to others' needs, and fasting helps heal our relationship with ourselves. Ultimately, these practices can transform our relationships.

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The Power of the Psalms: Connecting Generations Through Prayer

The psalms were a source of comfort and faith for the people of the Old Testament, who sang them in both good times and bad, and passed them down through the generations. Jesus prayed them too. At Mass, we continue this tradition and remember the perseverance and faith of those who came before us.

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Overcoming the Temptation of Feeling Unworthy in Prayer

Sometimes when we're trying to pray, we might feel like we're not good enough or important enough for God to care about. But that's just a temptation, it's also an insult to God who created us and loves us as we are. When we're thinking that way, we're not really turning our minds towards God but towards ourselves, instead of remembering that God's promise is to answer us when we call on Him. We would do good to remember that Jesus showed us through His actions that He cares for everyone, no matter how insignificant we might feel, so when we feel like we're too miserable to pray, we should turn to Him and ask Him to heal us too. He's waiting for us to ask.

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Persevere in Prayer

In my encounters with the faithful, everyone seems to express a longing for a better relationship with God. Most of them have some kind of difficulty with prayer. Finding time to pray or making prayer time meaningful are common struggles.

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