Posts tagged Relationships
Navigating Conflict with Compassion: The Power of Reproach

A Place for Reproach: Strengthen bonds through compassionate reproach; there’s courage and kindness in speaking the truth when someone has let you down.

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Embracing Reverence: St. Ignatius of Loyola's Path to Purposeful Living

Reverence towards God and Others: Welcome to a world where embracing the unknown leads to deeper connections and authentic understanding.

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Speaking Love: Embracing the Consequential Word

From the cherished "I love you" to the challenges of making it holy and selfless, Fr. Joe Tetlow’s blog post reveals the sacred journey of expressing love to our parents, siblings, friends, and even our enemies; and then to the one who has express his love for us first. The creator God.

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Exploring Lenten Practices: Prayer, Almsgiving, and Fasting in Relationships

The blog explores Lenten practices of prayer, almsgiving, and fasting in relation to becoming more loving in three aspects. Prayer helps refocus on God, almsgiving sensitizes to others' needs, and fasting helps heal our relationship with ourselves. Ultimately, these practices can transform our relationships.

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