Exploring Lenten Practices: Prayer, Almsgiving, and Fasting in Relationships

Exploring Lenten Practices: Prayer, Almsgiving, and Fasting in Relationships

Understanding the essence of our Lenten practices—Prayer, Almsgiving, and Fasting—can be seen through the lens of relationships. These practices serve as pathways toward cultivating love in three distinct aspects of our lives.

1. Prayer:

Lent calls us to refocus on our relationship with God through prayer. It's a time to deepen our connection with the Divine, nurturing our spiritual bond and seeking guidance and solace in moments of reflection and devotion.

2. Almsgiving:

Almsgiving is a practice that enriches our relationships with those around us. By giving to others, we sensitize our hearts to their needs, especially those who are marginalized or forgotten. It's an act of compassion and generosity that strengthens the bonds of community and fosters empathy and solidarity.

3. Fasting:

While fasting may seem primarily focused on self-discipline, it also plays a crucial role in healing our relationship with ourselves. In our fast-paced lives, we often find ourselves driven by impulses—be they from screens, societal pressures, or personal expectations. Fasting reminds us of our innate capacity to choose. It empowers us to break free from automatic responses and make conscious decisions about our actions and habits. This act of self-restraint and self-care is a loving gesture towards ourselves, affirming our autonomy and inner strength.

As we engage in these Lenten practices, let us embrace the transformative power they hold in nurturing love within ourselves, with others, and with the Divine.

Fr. Pepe Ruiz, S.J.