Exploring Inner Freedom: A Lenten Perspective

Exploring Inner Freedom: A Lenten Perspective

In his renowned work "The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People," Stephen Covey delves into the concept of "Being Proactive." He presents a thought-provoking diagram that illuminates the human capacity to choose our responses amidst stimuli—an ability that sets us apart from mere instinctual reactions.

Understanding Inner Freedom:

Covey's diagram depicts a crucial insight: between stimulus and response lies a space—a realm of inner freedom where we hold the power to choose our course of action. This inner freedom is foundational to our human experience, offering us the opportunity to transcend instinctual reactions and exercise conscious choice.

Lenten Practices and Inner Freedom:

During Lent, we engage in spiritual practices like prayer, fasting, and almsgiving, each serving as a catalyst for nurturing our inner freedom.

  • Prayer: Through prayer, we commune with the Divine, deepening our awareness of God's call to abundant life—a life characterized by freedom and fullness.

  • Fasting: Fasting awakens us to the reality of choice. As we willingly abstain from certain foods or comforts, we affirm our capacity to say no, thus strengthening our inner freedom muscle.

  • Almsgiving: By giving of ourselves to others, we exercise empathy and selflessness. The act of sharing with those in need reinforces our ability to transcend self-interest and embrace the freedom found in generosity.

Embracing Lenten Insights:

As we journey through Lent, let us reflect on the profound wisdom embedded in Covey's concept of inner freedom. By engaging in Lenten practices, we not only draw closer to God but also cultivate the transformative power of choice in our lives.

Fr. Pepe Ruiz, SJ

For a full video on this topic you may visit: https://youtu.be/d0btR2jlHk8d