Posts tagged Incarnation
The Profound Mystery of the Incarnation

God became a human in Jesus. God didn't just become a man, but he actually became flesh and blood, just like us. All the matter and energy in the universe is connected to God because he created it. So, in a way, we are all made of the same stuff as God. And when Jesus was here on earth, he went through all the same stuff we go through, like happiness and sadness, and he understands us because of it. God isn't just some distant being, but he's right here with us, and he knows us inside and out.

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The Incarnation Continues

At Christmas, we're celebrating the beautiful mystery of the Incarnation. The Incarnation didn't just happen and end. It's more like the Big Bang, creation's beginning that is still expanding the cosmos and bringing more and more of us on this earth.

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