Holy Heroes

Holy Heroes

By Fr. Roy Joseph, SJ

"I have competed well; I have finished the race;

I have kept the faith."

(2 Timothy 4:7)

As it happens this time of year, there is plenty of attention paid to sports. Hard work and perseverance enable great athletes to emerge. These heroes of the world show what a person can do, and it is thrilling to watch.

Concurrently in the liturgical year, we remember those who have gone before us—saints and sinners—and naturally are reminded that our life will end too. Some would say life is a sport. St. Paul seems to think so writing to Timothy mindful of all that God has done in him while keeping his faith. To finish the race of life in this way is nothing short of heroic but in another way. Heroes of God show what God can do in them. Surely, there are ongoing efforts on the part of the individuals. However, faith keeps the focus on God, on God's grace, and on giving God glory, all of which enable individuals to do their part daily. Let us never lose this focus so each of us can echo Paul's words as we finish our races like the holy heroes we remember this month. Saints of God, pray for us!