Stop Talking And Listen

Stop Talking and Listen

by Fr. Ron Gonzales, SJ

Perhaps you've heard these words from your spouse or good friend.  Truth be told, it seems that many people these days have very little practice in being quiet and still--think of movie theatres, liturgical services, wakes, and even silent retreats.  Others relish the few times they can find quiet places to listen to the inner voice that is God.  To be present to God one must "show up" and create quiet spaces or find places, such as Montserrat Retreat House, to be still enough to listen.  Because we are generally not used to being silent, easing into a 3-day silent retreat takes about a day or so to finally be still.  

But I can assure you that everyone who is generous enough to spend time with Jesus in prayer will not leave disappointed.  God is good and merciful and patient with us--he will never leave us alone.