Embracing the Extraordinary in Ordinary Time

Embracing the Extraordinary in Ordinary Time

As I write this reflection, we are in what the Catholic Church calls "The 20th Week of Ordinary Time." If you’re anything like me, that phrase "Ordinary Time" can be a bit misleading. It often seems to imply a time with no special significance in the Church’s calendar—no particular feast or saint’s day to celebrate, just our "ordinary" life of faith.

But that can be a big mistake! As you probably already know, the term "ordinary" here simply refers to the number representing the "position" of something in a list (its "order"). For me, far from being unusual, an "Ordinary Week" is much more an assurance that it’s one of many opportunities that are part of God’s ongoing plan to share extraordinary grace in my daily life!

It’s God’s way of assuring me, “There’s more to come.”


Fr. Mike French, SJ