Uncovering Our Deepest Questions: Finding Answers in Christ

Uncovering Our Deepest Questions: Finding Answers in Christ

Whether we know it or not, each of us has an unconscious question lying just beneath the surface. It's that question we bring to our parents, friends, family, co-workers, teachers, bosses, and most people important to us. Often, for those who are adopted, it is: "Do you love me?" or "Why didn't you want me?" For those with alcoholism or dysfunction within the family, it could be: "Can I trust you?", "Am I worthy?", "Do you see me?", "Why would you love me?", or "Will you still be there for me if ...?"

It is this same question that we bring to Jesus, who responds, "I have come that YOU may have life, and have it abundantly" (John 10:10). But even more so, it is that very same question that Jesus asks of you and me every day. How can my question be His question if not to draw me closer to Himself? For if I remain in Him and He remains in me, then there is no need for anyone else (see John 15:4-11) whether they respond positively or negatively.

I invite you to come and spend a weekend with Jesus at Montserrat. It is here where you will find an answer to your question.

Fr. Ron Gonzales, S.J.

P.S. This is Fr. Ron’s Encore from Puerto Rico. He decided to send one last post.