Finding Strength in Love

Finding Strength in Love

“I love you, Lord, my strength.” (Psalm 18:2)

Human tragedies sap our strength. Just when it feels like we are growing stronger, the news of war, domestic violence, or a school shooting can quickly weaken us. This is especially true when the tragic news hits closer to home and affects us directly. It all seems to happen so fast: going from strength to weakness.

We also know from human experience that strength can surprisingly begin to come back even in the immediate aftermath. Tragedies have a way of bringing out the very best in people. People reach out, become generous with resources, and form more protective communities. In a word, what we see as the source of our strength coming through others is love. Love is, after all, where our strength came from in the first place if we were to trace its origins—the Lord of love being the original source. Let us take comfort in the psalmist’s words and go to the Lord and to others to strengthen the loving strength weakened among us. Our human family needs our acts of love.

Fr. Roy Joseph, S.J.