Throw The Net On The Other Side

Throw The Net On The Other Side

By Fr. Ron Gonzales, SJ

You may have heard this definition of "insanity" often credited to Albert Einstein: "doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different result." Some of Jesus' disciples had been fishermen before ever leaving their nets to follow Him. One day, however, in trying to go back to the life they had before, they were unsuccessful in catching any fish. One might think they were simply having an unlucky day. They had spent all afternoon and early evening with nothing to show.

Jesus shows up and tells them to go back and throw their nets on the "other side" of the boat. Could it be that simple: try throwing their nets on the other side instead? Tired and frustrated, they almost gave up. They could have said no, but instead, they listened and did as they were asked. They were open to what Jesus had asked them to do. And not only did they gather more fish than they imagined, but they were also asked to bring some of it to a lit fire already prepared by Jesus to share in the supper. What is Jesus asking of you? What will you say?