Posts tagged love
Lent and Easter Season, Sorrow and Joy

First Lent, then Easter. Jesus told us: You will be sorrowful, but your sorrow will turn into joy (Jn.16:20). We sorrow at the awful grief that humanity inflicts on itself: genocide in Ukraine, millions of abortions, and little children living hungry and lonely.

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Here's Hoping

Along with faith and love, hope is one of the classic three theological virtues but I think the least known and appreciated. It does, after all, have a focus on the future which necessarily means that it cannot be experienced in the way the other two can be in the present.

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Waiting, But Not Alone

Everything about Advent points to the future. Here are some thoughts about that. First, getting to the future means waiting. You have to wait. Mary had to wait, and Joseph, too. He had to wait because he's the one who will give the baby His name.

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