Here's Hoping

Here’s Hoping

By Fr. Roy Joseph, S.J. anchor of the soul, sure and firm, which reaches into the interior… 

(Hebrews 6:19)

Along with faith and love, hope is one of the classic three theological virtues but I think the least known and appreciated. It does, after all, have a focus on the future which necessarily means that it cannot be experienced in the way the other two can be in the present. Nowadays especially, there is a tendency toward instant gratification and more immediate pursuits—hope does not seem to be one of them. The fact is though, we believers can and do experience hope in the present. Jesuits and friends in the middle of this Ignatian Year that celebrates St. Ignatius’ conversion are reflecting on our own call to conversion, a turning more towards God, our anchor and sure support, as we work on our interior lives. That sounds a lot like hope!

Many would say that today we need hope more than ever. My inclination is that every generation says that every year because of one issue or another. Surely it was said often in these last years. All the more reason for me to think we should be more intentional focusing on this forgotten virtue. And so we are! At Montserrat, as you can see on our 2022 pamphlets, we have taken hope as a general theme for our       retreats this year. More universally, the Vatican recently announced the motto of the upcoming Jubilee Year of 2025 as “Pilgrims of Hope.” Hope is essential in moving forward of our journeys and, as with all theological virtues, ultimately a grace from God that saves us. Let us pray that we receive that grace in more abundance this year. And if you need some help with that, you know where to come on retreat…