Uniquely Gifted

Uniquely Gifted

By Fr. Roy Joseph, SJ

As each one has received a gift, use it to serve one another as good stewards of God’s varied grace. (1 Peter 4:10)

One of the truths of our faith is that God relates to each of us uniquely. He speaks to me in a way unique to my understanding and does the same for all of us, wherever we are on our spiritual journey. As St. Ignatius says in the Spiritual Exercises, there is even a preferred way God communicates with us directly as individuals. Moreover, God’s language of love and grace is clearly seen in the gifts He specifically gives me.

What a wonderful thought to know that the Lord loves me and uniquely gifts me like no one else ever has been or ever will be! And what a humbling thought to live as a steward of those gifts, using them to further His unique relationship in others. Despite our natural tendency to possess and hoard, God still entrusts us with particular gifts knowing our tremendous potential to be good stewards in our own unique ways. In God’s infinite wisdom, He gives us certain gifts and the ability to share them. Lent is a perfect time to recommit ourselves to a life of giving, keeping our eyes fixed on the One who gave everything for us.