Easter Light

Easter Light

by Fr. Roy Joseph, SJ

We have all been told at various times in our lives to share openly what is on our minds and hearts. Especially when upset or angry, keeping things inside and letting them fester day after day is a temptation to avoid. That temptation can easily be exploited by the devil and make our days become dark very quickly. It is essential to be reminded of that regularly, as the Liturgy of the Hours does weekly during Night Prayer with the words of St. Paul.

Easter is a reminder to walk in resurrected light! The resurrection stories are full of the brightness of authentic encounters with Jesus during the disciples’ dark moments. In all these encounters, many of which take place in morning daylight, Jesus brings His light of peace and reconciliation. A lesson for us all is to have those necessary encounters during the day so as not to stifle our Easter flame at night. As an African saying goes, “the ears of pillows are deaf.” Speaking out what is deep down inside just to ourselves while going to bed does not do nearly as much as bringing our issues to Jesus first and then to anyone else involved. Doing so helps dispel the darkness within us and replace it with the light and joy of Easter that lasts forever.