Summer Directed Retreats
The 2025 Summer Directed Retreats will be offered:
5-Day Individual Directed Retreat: June 8-13, 2025
8-Day Individual Directed Retreat: June 8-16, 2025
Time away to rest and pray are core spiritual practices in the life of a mature disciple of Jesus Christ. Jesus invited seekers to "come and see" and to his friends, recognizing their weariness, said, "Come away with me. Let us go to a quiet place and rest for a while." (Mark 6: 31)
Relationships need time to grow and develop, as well as space to listen, to learn, and freedom to be honest and vulnerable. The five- and eight- day retreats offer time, space, rest, and prayer we long for and Jesus invites us to. The "direction" of directed retreats is that of discovering and exploring your own journey in faith and life and what path better helps you go in the direction you seek and Jesus invites. Embedded in the tradition of the Spiritual Exercises of St. Ignatius of Loyola, your retreat is made with a retreat director-a person who supports, listens, and has made the journey before.
The suggested offerings for these retreats are: 5-Day Directed Retreat ($550) and 8-Day Directed Retreat ($880).
***Please note that more information is to come regarding the details of the directed retreat experience and our retreat directors.