The Spiritual Colors of Our Lives

The Spiritual Colors of Our Lives

Early in my Computer Science education, I learned that a computer monitor only needs three colors—Red, Green, and Blue—to represent any color visible to the human eye. In fact, it can display over 16 million colors, more than we can truly distinguish. Each color is created by varying the intensity of these three "primary" colors.

A Spiritual Lesson:

This concept holds a profound spiritual lesson for me. I believe that each of us is blessed with our own "colors" that reveal how God dwells within us. Similar to the simplicity of a computer's color palette, our spiritual palette is not complex. It might begin with how much Faith, Hope, and Love we nurture. Or perhaps, how we allow our Lord to reveal His Way, Truth, and Life within us. Or even how deeply we dwell with the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit in our hearts.

Adjusting Our Spiritual Colors:

Just like the colors on a screen, our spiritual "colors" can change moment by moment by adjusting the intensity of these fundamental gifts. Keep your brushes ready; God has a beautiful picture in mind for each of us.

Fr. Mike French, SJ