Peace I Leave You

Peace I Leave You

By Fr. Joe Tetlow, SJ

Jesus said, Peace I leave  you. My peace I give you.  We might ask: How do I know I've accepted His peace?  Here are some measures to start with.

First, I'm at peace when I live with a clear conscience and whole heart. I haven't stolen big or told a fat lie or destroyed anyone's reputation. I'm praying the way I can and doing what I must do. It's like my doctor tells me after taking a pint of blood that I'm doing just fine. So, I’m a violin and my strings are well tuned and I'm giving off a pretty good sound.

Then, the second sign that I live in Jesus' peace is the consolation that I'm living the way God intends me to live. In the big things—believing in Jesus Christ, loving those God has given me,  doing honest work, reaching out to help.  I'm doing things right. I know to go to a niece's baptism wearing the right clothes and with the right present for the baby. Jesus' peace means I'm OK and I'm doing OK. My violin strings are correctly tuned and I know I'm playing the music right.  

And finally, a big one is not just about me, but about us.  Jesus' peace means I feel that I'm in harmony with God and the saints. Our Creator leaves signs that He's our Creator, like Mozart leaves signs that this is his minuet and no one else's. Well, God is Three Persons, and they live in harmony and harmony in me is the sign that I'm their work. That's a big sign: I live with harmony in my heart—and in my life, as far as I can make it happen. It's like I'm a violin in an orchestra, and when all the instruments are playing their part well, and we're all keeping  time, then the music is a mighty harmony.

Of course, life goes on: the rest of my orchestra might have a few bloopers. If I have harmony in my heart, I can identify those bloopers, know them wrong, not judge anybody, and keep my strings tuned and my sound harmonious.

Then I know I have accepted My peace I give you. It's how He lived—tuned strings, obeyed score, and handling some pretty awful bloopers. Peace I leave you.