Give Thanks

Give Thanks


By Fr. Joe Tetlow, SJ

We are about to celebrate Thanksgiving as a civil holiday. We symbolize in this celebration that we are a nation "under God," and a people gathered from the east and from the west, from the north and the south, and made one nation. Let's make sure we are grateful by checking in on the three crucial steps.

First, we recognize the gift. This land full of rivers and rich earth is given us. We did not invent it or create it. God gave it to our ancestors and God gives it to us.

The second is that each of us can ponder how it is that of the millions God is creating on this earth now, God creates me here. Somehow, at some point, even if I am Native American, my ancestors came to this land from somewhere else—and now I am surprised to find myself American.

And the final step is absolutely crucial: I enjoy the gift. I make sure I am happy to be here. On this day especially, I love being who I am where I am. And I ask the Lord to make me happy with the people who surround me.

So I say to all of them,