Hispanic Ministry

Montserrat Jesuit Retreat House is committed to ministering to the Spanish-speaking community. We consider that an integral part of our mission. We are here to provide opportunities for spiritual growth and renewal to Spanish speakers. We intend to offer spiritual counsel and instruction in Spanish. The Jesuits at Montserrat are available for presentations, retreats, and formation activities in parishes as time allows.

Spiritual direction by appointment.

  • Help with parish spiritual activities as time allows.

  • Theological and spiritual classes are offered from time to time.

  • There will be Ignatian retreats in Spanish.

Ignatian Spirituality facilitates the encounter between God and the human person. At times this process involves explaining one’s experience of God; and at other moments, this means sharing in silence other people’s suffering. The differing experiences of God are illumined by the Spiritual Exercises. To make the Spiritual Exercises is to relate one’s experience of God with others.

Those who direct the Spiritual Exercises require a great amount of preparation because directing the Spiritual Exercises is ultimately sharing who one is and what one has with others. It is sharing one’s experience as a loved sinner with others.