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#17 Women's Retreat with Fr. Louis Arceneaux

Growing in intimacy with God, ourselves and others. This retreat experience will assist each person in ways to become more intimate with God, ourselves and others in order to live a happier and more active Christian Life wherever we find ourselves. Presentations, guided meditations and handouts for individual Reflection and prayer will be used to facilitate this process.

Women's Retreat
from $50.00

Thank you for registering for a retreat at Montserrat Jesuit Retreat House.

We request a $50 deposit during registration to reserve your place on the retreat.

Montserrat accepts your retreat offering when you make your retreat. Your offering may also be paid monthly or quarterly.

As a guide, Montserrat suggests the following as a retreat offering:

  • Two day retreat - $260 ($130/night)

  • Three day retreat - $390 ($130/night)

If you have a Gift Certificate, please click here to register.