Thy Will Be Done

Thy Will Be Done

By Fr. Ron Gonzales, SJ

These four simple words we quickly say every time we recite the "Our Father" without giving much thought to its significance.  But can we agree that God's will is good for us, and correct, and life-giving, and perfect even when I don't know what God's will may be? If we can't truly believe this at some level, then maybe don't read any further and keep scrolling.   However sometimes when my will is no longer working for me, or I've come to the end of trying to make things turn out the way I want and hope them to be, maybe then at my wits end I might say something like, "that's it Lord, I give up - thy will be done".  My pride still bristles when I think that I have no control over anything, but then I reflect over my life and how despite my sinfulness, mistakes, and big ego-- God's perfect will and desire to love us never wanes I can humbly say: "Thy Will Be Done...."  Ask for this grace this Lent.