Images of God

Images of God

In our spiritual explorations, we often grapple with various images of God, shaped by culture, upbringing, and personal experiences. These images, however, can sometimes lead us astray, painting a picture of God that is far removed from scripture. It's a journey of dismantling these false images, of peeling back the layers to reveal the true essence of God, beyond the confines of our imagination, and even our limited experiences of Love.

The challenge lies in confronting these misconceptions, in questioning the validity of the images that have been ingrained in our psyche. It's about discerning the difference between the God of our imagination and the God who speaks to us through scripture, through the profound experiences of grace and love that punctuate our lives. This process is not just an intellectual exercise but a heartfelt exploration that touches the core of our faith.

We are called to sift through these images, to challenge the notions that do not resonate with the God who is love, who is justice, who is mercy, and truth. For example, my image of Father might be limited by the limitations of my personal father here on earth. I might need to do some work trying to see what Jesus means when he says to call God Father, because that Father offers unconditional love. We can chew on that for a long time.

As we embark on this journey together, we find strength in our shared quest for truth, in our collective endeavor to seek a purer, more profound understanding of God. It's a path that leads not just to a deeper faith but to a more genuine and fulfilling relationship with God, free from the distortions that have long obscured our view.