Discernment: 3 Warning Signs

Discernment: 3 Warning Signs

In our spiritual journeys, moving from good to better is a testament to our growth and dedication. Yet, it's in these moments of progress that we often encounter unexpected challenges. We've come to recognize that feelings of disquiet, anxiety, and fear aren't just random emotions; they're signposts, indicating the presence of obstacles on our path. These feelings, surprisingly, can be the workings of forces that wish to deter us from our spiritual advancement.

Recognizing Disquiet, Anxiety, and Fear

What we've learned, and what feels particularly resonant, is the idea that the call to stewardship and a life of grace isn't solely our burden to bear. This isn't just our journey. It's a path laid out by a higher power, one that's accompanied by the gifts and guidance needed to navigate it. We are not alone in our quest to live a life filled with praise, reverence, and service.

Embracing Divine Guidance

This realization brings a profound sense of relief and responsibility. It reminds us that while the journey is ours, the direction and the strength to pursue it come from beyond us. We're equipped, supported, and never alone. This understanding transforms our anxiety into anticipation, our fear into faith. It's a shift that empowers us to continue moving forward, embracing the challenges as part of our spiritual evolution.