Love This Lent

This Lenten season, starting on February 14th, St. Valentine’s day, presents us with a unique opportunity: to read this season through the lenses of Love. It's an opportunity to reflect not just on the traditional practices of fasting (which may help us grow in freedom), prayer and alms giving, and not see them as ends in themselves, but use them to help us become more loving people. 

In the wise words of St. Ignatius, love shows itself more through actions than words. This Lent, let's embody this principle by actively becoming aware of God’s love for us, and demonstrating love in our daily interactions and relationships. Attitudes like kindness, understanding, and compassion are tangible ways of creating ripples of positive impact around us.

St. Ignatius says that Love is about our mutual sharing of our gifts. The Spiritual Exercises prompt us to consider how we can offer our unique talents and blessings to enrich the lives of others, and to receive the goodness that others have to offer in our life. But before we extend this love outward, it's essential to recognize the ultimate source of love: God. God's love is exemplified love in his communication and sharing of his life, and every good gift to humanity, in the creation around us and the countless gifts bestowed upon us, showcasing a love that is active and generous.

This season challenges us to reflect on how God communicates this love and continuously offers it to us. It's a reminder of the freedom we're given to accept this divine love and, in turn, share it freely with others. As we embark on this Lenten journey, let's open our hearts to the transformative power of love, allowing it to guide our actions and interactions.

In embracing this spirit of love, we find the true essence of Lent and the path to a more fulfilling and compassionate existence. Let this be a time of renewal, where love, in its most genuine form, becomes the cornerstone of our lives. Amen.