God's Vintage Point: A Diving Tapestry

God's Vintage Point: A Diving Tapestry

I'm captivated by the analogy of a grandmother engaged in needlepoint, her hands meticulously crafting a beautiful design on a circular cloth. Imagine being the grandchild in her embrace, peering up from below. From this angle, the masterpiece appears as a jumble of threads—seemingly disordered and incomplete. Yet, from the grandmother's perspective, each stitch contributes to a magnificent creation.

This imagery beautifully mirrors God's vision for our lives and the lives of our descendants. It serves as a poignant reminder that our understanding is limited; God's grand design often transcends our immediate perception. We are encouraged to trust in this divine perspective, acknowledging that the path laid out for us and our loved ones is underpinned by a profound wisdom that surpasses our own.

In embracing our role in this tapestry, we commit to living a life of faith, acting as conduits for God's grace, and trusting that our efforts will anchor and guide future generations. It’s true that there are things that God never wanted for us, such as the sin against us. However, God is able to create art and beauty even from the most unsuspected places: even from the cross.