Meek Strength

Jesus said, Blessed [happy] are the meek, for they will inherit the land.

Meekness is not weakness. On the contrary, it is strength—but strength that is

contained, held in, not brought to bear on something or someone. For instance: Jesus of

Nazareth was meek when He went to the shore of the Gadarenes. There, He cast many

devils out of a huge naked violent man, terrifying the keepers of a herd of pigs. That kind of

power really scared the rest of the Gedarenes, too, and they timidly asked Him to please go

away. So He did. He just went away. Jesus, who had the power to heal a lot of their sorrows

besides their fear, just got in the boat and went away. That’s being meek. It was a powerful

witness to Jesus’ confidence that the Father is in charge even of unwilling people and we

don’t have to wrap everything up.

Note that Jesus especially wanted us to know that He is meek: Learn of me, for I am meek

and humble of heart. When we could correct someone but don’t, when we could properly

insist on our way but don’t, we are imitating Jesus, we are being meek. Grace-filled, hidden


It’s a good idea to keep at that, because Jesus will come again soon as the Christ, the King

of kings and ruler of all nations to tell us that we will inherit the land, His kingdom. That’s

one very blessed and happy thought.

Fr. Joe Tetlow, S.J.